eParachute is dedicated to helping people around the world to have the tools they need to find or create meaningful work. We want to help you answer these key questions:
WHAT are your best-loved skills & interests?
WHERE can you find or create that work opportunity?
HOW can you find or create that work?
"eParachute showed me I was in the right industry but also helped me recognize what position I should be searching for. " See Deep's Profile.
"eParachute was very helpful! And there were job listings that I am qualified for now!. " See Lia's Profile.
"I wish I had this when I just graduated, I was so lost about what to do next then. " See Deborah's Profile.
"I was really surprised and impressed by the results I was given!. " See Jesse's Profile.
eParachute was co-founded by:
Eric Barnett, world-class software architect. Creator of eParachute's applications. Experienced leader of software design & development teams for leading brands & companies, including Pfizer, City of Los Angeles Recreation & Parks, Thompson Financial, KPMG, AARP, The Golden Globes
Gary A. Bolles, who also serves as the Chair for the Future of Work for Singularity University, and has 9 courses on LinkedIn Learning with over 1 million learners. Gary was trained as a career counselor as a teenager in the methods of Parachute.
Richard N. Bolles (1927-2017), best-selling author of What Color Is Your Parachute?, the world's enduring career manual.